New Member Information

Congratulations on joining LSHRM… We are so excited that you are now part of this fantastic team of HR professionals!

Now that you are a member, you may be wondering, “what’s next?” How can I get involved, what do I need to do, how do I start meeting other members, etc.

Suggested next steps:

  1. Attend the next monthly chapter meeting; For meeting dates and times, click here.
  2. Participate in new member orientation. These are held in-person before each monthly chapter meeting or virtually each quarter.
  3. Attend an HR Connect Social/Networking event.
  4. Consider volunteering on one of our committees, at a community event, as a virtual resume coach, etc. Volunteer opportunities listed here.
  5. Attend a board meeting to see the initiatives our leadership team is currently working on and planning for the future.
Your involvement in LSHRM is what you make it, but we are here to assist you with making the most of your experience! Please let us know how you’d like to get involved and if you have any questions about your awesome chapter.
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