Workforce Readiness

LSHRM is committed to pursuing partnerships to bring together community employers, students, teachers, and business professionals to engage in career development, educational, and workforce development activities. LSHRM provides links, resources, and information to employers, schools, and the community through our Workforce Readiness Committee efforts. To learn more about this committee or volunteer, please email"

Get excited! Get involved!

Many surveys state that a high percentage of KY workplaces are impacted by Responsibility/Professionalism and Behavioral Skills. Unfortunately, there is also a significant deficit in these areas among incoming workers. This is where you and other LSHRM members can help! There are lots of opportunities to get involved with a wide range of time commitments - something to fit everyone's schedule!

Opportunities for individuals

Participate as a cluster leader, volunteer or guest speaker with the Junior Achievement

  • Participate in Mock Interviews- This is a one-time (or one-at-a-time) commitment to help high school students and adults prepare to interview for positions and enter the workforce. We have built relationships with the following organizations: Louisville Free Public Library, ITT, Sullivan University, and JCPS.
  • Be a speaker. School classes or clubs (such as the ITT, JCPS, and the University of Louisville) are often looking for someone to come speak at their meetings on a wide range of business-related topics. Assistance is available if you need help developing a topic or content for a topic. (This is also a one-time or one-at-a-time commitment.)
  • Be a mentor. Help provide encouragement and support to a motivated young person. Individual student is paired with a professional who supports them with their class work and helps familiarize them with the workplace. This is an ongoing commitment that usually involves a few hours each month.
  • Serve on an academic advisory committee. Courses on behavioral skills (such as interpersonal skills, communication, and teamwork) are currently being developed and made available to students online. These committees can help ensure that the curriculum is designed to give students the skills necessary to be successful in the workplace.

Ongoing Opportunities

Please review the list below. If you and/or your company would be interested in getting involved in one or more of these areas, or if you would like more information, please contact the Workforce Readiness Director listed above.

Opportunities for Company Involvement:

  • Internships – There are multiple opportunities for companies to provide (usually paid) internship opportunities for local high school students. These typically occur during the summer for at least 2 weeks between the student's junior and senior year.
  • Career Fairs - Providing career information for students in a group setting. This gives students an opportunity to see what kinds of careers are possible and what kind of preparation each requires. It also gives companies an opportunity to begin early recruitment efforts. Career fairs usually occur once or twice per year.
  • Cooperative Education - The student and the employer work together to develop a training plan. This is usually a paid experience of at least one semester for 3 hours per day.
  • Provide worksite tours - Allowing groups of students to tour your workplace and see, firsthand, what kind of careers are available and what the working environment is like.
  • Job Shadowing – Allowing one or more students to "shadow" an employee for a predetermined length of time (usually 1 day or less). Efforts are made to match students' interests to available industries.

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